Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Fun!!!

I have taken a lot of pictures the past couple of days and not been good about posting them so here goes a week of a lot of activites!
We started our our Halloween fun by going downtown on Saturday afternoon to the annual Chili-cook-off/Trick-or-Treating! Trent was so proud of his Power Ranger Muscles and Camryn was a trooper in her stroller!

The other night we went to some friends house for dinner and then we carved pumpkins. The adults did most of the carving, but the kids enjoyed the masterpieces!!!

On the actual Halloween Day (so many halloween events got Trent confused as to when Halloween really was!) my sister and I took the kids to the Callaway Mansion where the Callaway grandchildren were handing out Halloween Candy.

We finished the night off with some good old Trick-or-Treating in our friend neighborhood! Trent got WAY more candy then he needed!


Jennifer said...

Trent is such a little heart-throb! I love the muscles!

Krissy said...

I want to play with Camryns hair! Does she sit still for you while you do it. You do her hair so cute. They both are so cute and if I had a mansion like the Callaways...I'd move to Atlanta. I want to be the Aunt that comes to babysit on the weekends! All the kids are just so darn cute! I love the tights.

Elizabeth said...

those pictures are adorable amanda and I love Camryn's tights, they are so cute!

Mark and Meghan said...

okay i love camryns tights, and trents costume is so cute! finally you put some pictures up! love them. isn't halloween fun with trent? porter was so excited he could hardly contain himself...a whole night of candy! love you...

The Harbertson Family said...

When I see Camryn's hair, it makes me wish SO BAD that Ella gave me a little more to wrok with! I LOVE her little pig tails. You guys look like you had a fun Halloween. This was my first Halloween with a child of my own and I have to say it was one of the best...right behind the year we all dressed up like Fugly Cowgirls!

Steph said...

I love the cute outfits -- and i was cracking up thinking the other day how cute it is when little trent makes cami laugh and her was making me laugh!!! I can't wait to see you guys again soon. have a great day!

KatieB said...

amanda, found your blog. miss you tons, are you still in georgia? we're in texas now. your kids are darling. our blog is if you want to catch up.

Carissa, Brandon, Carly, & Tyler said...

I love your pictures. Trent and Camryn are so dang cute!
By the way, I tagged Amanda. Sorry! Just go my blog and it will explain everything.

meg said...

I'm jealous your sister lives so close to you! Your kids look adorable as always.

Steve said...

Hey Madeline and Camryn have the same Halloween shirt! Madeline's is short sleeved though. So cute! Trent is getting so big, I really can't believe it. I still think of him as being 10 months old. That was so long ago! The other day we were really missing our dinners at Outback with you guys. Sad!

Janae said...

The comment above was actually from me, Janae:)