Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trent's First Day of Kindergarten

Trent's first day of "real" school was today. The bus picked him up at 6:58am and won't be back until 3:18pm. Most Mom's would have dropped their child off, especially on the first day, but Trent begged and begged to ride the bus. Luckily his neighborhood friends that are older and experienced were riding the bus too! It wasn't too hard saying good-bye this morning because he was soooooo excited, but the day is dragging on. I just want him home so I can ask him a MILLION questions. How was your teacher? Was she nice? How was snacktime? Did you eat all your lunch? Did you make any new friends? Did you see any old friends? Did you get lost? Did you have to go to the bathroom by yourself? So many questions and I still have three more hours before he gets home!!!
Camryn woke up a little bit earlier than usual to see her brother off at the bus!

Trent's nieghborhood friends that will be riding the bus with him all year long!!!


Alisha said...

I'm sure he had a great day! He is such a cute kid.

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

Stop. He is SO big. I can't take it.

Tami said...

Awwww - he drove off on the school bus!! i WISH my kids had a school bus. I spend all day running back and forth to school and it is so annoying. and hello he leaves before 7 and doesn't get back till after 3?? That is the longest school day for a kindergartner i have ever heard of. My kids school goes from 8:55 to 3:20 - but Danny only has half day kinder (bummer) till 12:30. I wish it was full day.

Eliza said...

Oh my gosh! how did he get so old? When I questioned Jack after his first day of preschool he didn't know what he had down for 2 1/2 hours except for eat a snack and play on the playground. Must be getting my money's worth.:) And Brock crawling with the tow head hair is the cutest thing. Dex (6mo) started rocking back and forth on all fours today and I told him to just stop right now.:)

love you. miss you so much!

Bart and Krista said...

You've got one tall kindergartener! He looks so cute getting on the bus. WOW! When did he grow up?

Chris said...

Such cute pictures of Trent! I love the Scooby Doo tag still on his lunchbox. :)


I can't believe that he looks so big! For some reason your blog went off of my blog and so I just thought you hadn't been updating your blog... I just looked through a bunch of your last post. I think the last one I saw was like 6 months ago. Anyways I added it back on so I will comment more! It was good to talking to you... If you come back to Utah to visit let us know we would love to see you again, or we should just plan a trip...

Mark and Meghan said...

cute amanda! so how was his first day? you need to post the answers to all of your questions! crazy that he rides a bus and goes ALL day long. are you getting more used to it? i'm sure it's kind of nice in a way :) i cannot believe his hips fit into that tiny costume! like father like son! and he's already lost a tooth? crazy!!

love brock! that video of him is his smile!

Britty said...

Is that a flippin Scooby Doo lunch box? Oh, Brady would be soooo jealous!

I am SO happy to see updates on you guys!